It's one of the classic chicken-and-egg questions of our time: Do self-adoring attention-craving spotlight hogs naturally gravitate towards showbiz, or does showbiz make otherwise modest civilians into self-adoring attention-craving spotlight hogs?Fortunately yesterday, science has provided the answer. (More on that shortly.) Researchers S. Mark Young and Drew Pinsky (a.k.a. "Dr. Drew") of the University of Southern California claim that their study, which will be published in the Journal of Research in Personality, is the first "systematic" and "empirical" scholarly work done on this often perplexing, and more than slightly touchy, subject.And what they found was that -- yes! -- narcissistic personalities tend to seek out the entertainment industry more than any other. What's more, the celebrities with the highest scores on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory were the ones who -- no surprise -- have tended to become famous without any discernible artistic talent, i.e., reality television personalities. And, not that we're looking to start any wars, but the researchers did deduce that women celebrities are more narcissistic than their male counterparts.
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